Welcome to the Northampton County Medical Society
The Northampton County Medical Society as an organization exists as a service to our profession, to our patients, and to our community. The Northampton County Medical Society brings physicians together collectively in order to develop a platform from which to set standards, advance education, speak to the community, and pursue the best medical care for our citizens. Through the Northampton Medical Society, physicians of organized medicine can advocate for our patients and the general medical community on a local and state level.

2025 NCMS President
Maneesh Ailawadi, MD
2024 Officers
Maneesh Ailawadi, MD
President Elect
Douha Sabouni, MD
Immediate Past President
Stephen Zarrelli, MD
Vice President
Prasant (Sean) Pandey, MD
Koroush Khalighi, MD
Khaldoun Makhoul, MD

The Art of Medicine
Here are just a few of the ways in which the Pennsylvania Medical Society helped physicians return to the art of medicine in 2018.